Mary McDonnell
1) Passion Fish
6) Grand Canyon
7) Blue chips
Sixteen-year-old Draven dresses like the un-dead. Thirteen-year-old Kristen slices her thighs. Fifteen-year-old Jamal rides BMX bikes in competition. What do these teens have in common? They are all taking risks. Though many teens seek independence and thrills through activities that can harm them, risk-taking in adolescence does not have to be self-destructive. This book takes an honest look at the five most self-destructive behaviors: substance
...You're not a little kid anymore. As a young adult, you have important decisions to make. Your growing independence and your developing sexuality are part of the thrill and joy of being a teen—but these factors also mean you have to take responsibility for your own life. Your parents can't do it all for you Some teenagers choose to have sex—and others wait. Some teens who opt for sex will also opt for contraception—but others will
...We all have to deal with stress sometimes. Learning to balance our many responsibilities, adjust to new situations, and handle multiple stresses is part of life. But does this mean that you should feel stressed all the time? What if you always feel overwhelmed? What if you simply can't adjust to a new challenge or situation? When the normal challenges of life cause such extreme emotional turmoil that a person cannot adapt and react appropriately,